♥ Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Hello everyone. I'm so sorry for not updating much. My schedule was tightly packed since last week, the day I started my lectures. To be honest, busy life is not what I want. There are so many activities going on this month. I need to go for first aid training for the charity run, dance practices and rehearsals for Chariofare, meetings for fundraising as we need to organize a Home Visit that will be held on 6th October. This is compulsory so we don't have a choice. But, it is really meaningful. Don't you think so?
Anyway, let's get to the main point of this post alright? So, I went for a convention event with some of my friends last weekend. It was a 2days event and we learned a lot from it.
This is our group. The event was all about Vemma, a healthy supplement drinks. This product not only helps on our health, but its business will help on our wealth as well. I am now a Brand Partner of it. Unfortunately, I don't have the support from my family. I am totally on my own. I feel hard but I'm not going to give up. I need to prove to them that this is going to work and one day, they'll start believing in me just like those who believe in me now.
This is the Royal Ambassador of Vemma, Brad Alkazin. He started this business when he was still studying at the University and now he earns more than his father. If I'm not mistaken, he earns around 85,000 USD per month. I don't really remember the amount but I know it's a HUGE figure!! He is my inspiration!
This is the Founder/CEO of Vemma Company, BK Boreyko. He is obviously a very successful man
in the family.
The man on the left is Tom Alkazin, the father of Brad. His position in Vemma is also Royal Ambassador. We had a short talk with him personally and I voiced out my problem to him. He suggested me to try to make an agreement with my parents but too bad, I tried and it didn't work out. But I still thank him for his great help and encouragement. For the man on the right, some of you may know who is he right? He is the well known philosopher/author/personal coach, Bob Proctor! He gave a lot of inspiring talks regarding positive mind. There's so many for me to learn. (I didn't get to take a photo with each of them so yeah.)

So let me introduce you an important friend of mine. His name is Grandeur and he is the one who brought me into Vemma. He has been helping me in becoming more positive since the time I knew him. After more than one year, I am still negative. But I'm glad he never give up on me. He let me witnessed a miracle of life during this event. He is someone with strong determination and a highly positive mind. He is the one who has attracted all the good things into his own life. He did it! Bob Proctor introduced him to the public during the talk. He stood up and became everyone's attention. Those who were with him, including me, were all asked to stand up as well. Our team became the extraordinary one all of a sudden. Bob said he is going to show the picture of our team to everyone during his next talk. Can you believe it?

This is not a dream! Everything is real! I am glad to be in his team although I still don't feel enough confident in myself. But seriously, everyone of them is giving me their full support. Grandeur's upline, Paula West, a mother in Canada is trying to help me with my issues too. I thank God for everything and I will believe in them as well as in myself.
To be honest, I am down a little without my parents' support. But it's okay. When there's a will, there's a way. I'll gain their beliefs in me one day. I'll make them proud of me one day. I'll prove to them they are wrong. Do you support me? I need your support!
Anyway, if anyone of you who is interested in this Vemma Business, you can know more by checking out this link:
As long as you have a desire and are persistent, you will achieve anything. For a better health and wealth, we are here to help you no matter who you are and where you are from. If you have any questions regarding it, you can always email me or contact me. If I am not able to clear your doubts, I'll ask my uplines for helps. No worries. God bless me to be successful in this! God bless everyone!
Love Hui ♥
♥ Saturday, September 1, 2012
The Secret
Hey guys, so I am now back to my KL life. Nothing much to mention about so far. Just wanted to share something really good with you all.
No matter your life is good or bad, no matter you are optimistic or pessimistic, for a better life, for self-enrichment, for yourself, your family, your friends, or even strangers in your life, READ THIS BOOK! Believe me, it will help you in some ways. I strongly recommended it to you. No regrets guaranteed.
I have just started reading it this week. My brother has already started reading it earlier than me and he shared a lot of good stuffs with me about it. This book is telling you how to use the secret in your life, the law of attraction! Beat me if you think this book sucks after you have read it.
For more information, you can watch the short video of it first.
Love Hui ♥