♥ Monday, January 30, 2012
The Special OneAgain and again, it's wen's birthday on 26th January again. Another year that clashed with the Chinese New Year cleaning again. Another DIY present from me.

I did her a DIY calender, the only calendar that belongs to her. It's priceless!! I spent the whole night doing the main cover of it on 25th January. I started at around 7+PM and only finished it at around 4AM. After that I still need to clean up the mess and everything. I only got to rest at around 6AM and woke up again at 8AM. Seriously mad tiring...

I guess these are the 2 covers that I like the most, February and June. Since there's 12 months, so there's 12 covers to do. I did all of them on 21st January, starting at around 8.30PM right after I got home from Bandar and only finished doing it on the next day at around 12.30PM. Yes, I didn't sleep for the whole night and that's the reason I got sick. I tried my very best to finish it fast because I know I don't have much time to do it anymore. The night was kinda cold and I still need to stand outside the corridor, using the joy sticks to make the border of the short messages for every month. This is the time consuming part and I even burned my fingers for few times. Clumsy me...

Among all the 12 covers, I hate the April's cover the most. I feel it so damn ugly and I have totally no more idea how can I beautify it anymore. Brain stuck you know? I got no time to think much also that time. All I know was to finish everything in time. Sorry for the ugliness...
Before starting everything, I spent the whole night collecting our photos, a whole night editing the photos, another whole night cutting the photos (don't think cutting is an easy job, there're lots to cut), and again, a whole night writing the drafts of the 12 months' messages.

Honestly, I ever thought of giving up in doing it. But since it's a calender, if I don't do it now then it will be wasted as it can't be used for next year already. I am not that rich to waste all my money just like that. I decided to do her a present kinda last minute so the planning was kinda mess. Is doing her a calender a right choice? But I had bought it and I was not going to waste it. Unless it's very cheap then I don't mind. LOL
Anyway, I just realized that it's an Australia calender, with all the Australia's big day being mentioned on it. What a coincidence? She said she loves it but at the same time, she warned me not to prepare her anything anymore next year. Feel so annoying listening to that. HAHAHA
I really like doing DIY stuffs and enjoy doing it very much. But this only applies to preparing for my important love ones. I even ever thought of having a shop that do these stuffs, making it my career. Not bad right?
Oh well, that's all I guess. Enjoy reading. =)
Love Hui ♥
♥ Monday, January 23, 2012
Happy Dragon Year
Like last few years, we went to the KB Chinese temple on the Chinese New Year Eve night. However, there's no lion dance this time as they couldn't manage to get the permit. Anyway, fireworks are the only main point for us. It was not that nice compared to the previous year but I guess it's the last year to see fireworks at there this time. Why? Because accident occurred. Don't really know what happened but from what I heard, one of the boxes of the fireworks shot to the sides instead of upwards and it shot the other boxes nearby and therefore, explosion!! All the mirror at the temple there were broken and caught fire! Someone was injured on the face a little.
Luckily there was a tree and a car to block us from getting shot by the fireworks. Everyone was screaming and escaping during the "explosion". A child was shocked and cried loudly. Police came for report and we guess there won't be any fireworks to be allowed anymore from now on. Phfttt... Brunei is boring enough and now, Brunei gonna become a place to grow mushrooms?
Today is the first day of CNY and we went to a lot of houses. I got many many angpao of course. But I'm mad tired... I got no CNY feel at all this year I don't know why. That's all for now I guess.

Tomorrow is another long day with family & friends. Happy Chinese New Year to everyone. I'll off to bed now. Nights. God bless.
Love Hui ♥
♥ Monday, January 16, 2012
Please Take Note!!!So I have finally back to my home for few days and I'm gonna stay here for 2 weeks time. Happy to the max. I just love to be back to my own home, to be with my parents. Anyway, I planned to quit my job in February so anyone wanna work? I'm finding someone to take over my position. Anyone interested please do contact me as soon as possible. Please help me to ask around as well. You must be thinking the reason for my leaving eh? I just wanna come home and rest. Just that. My boss is finding for Chinese only, temporary also can. Please help me ask around, please..... Thank you!!!
Not gonna post much. I'm dead tired cleaning the house these few days. Nobody is helping me at all. Phfttt... Anyway, I'm off to bed now. Nights readers. God bless.
Love Hui ♥
♥ Wednesday, January 11, 2012
First Wedding ShowOn Monday (09/01/2012), there was a wedding event at Empire Grand Hall in charged by us. I asked Franz to help for the sound and lightning part while I myself in charged of everything. I was the General Manager that night. I was kinda stressed for this show as it was kinda big. A lot of government people will be arriving and there's about 1000 guests. It's someone's wedding and only once in a life time. I don't wanna do anything wrong and spoil it. I was being too stressful and can't sleep well for days.
On the previous night (Sunday night), I didn't sleep at all. Why? Because I had many things to do. Actually there's time for me to rest a while, but it has been a long long time since I last met Franz, so we had a heart-to-heart talk that lasted until about 3AM. I concentrated on my works after she went to sleep. I had a great great time with her.

Well, the show didn't really run that smoothly I can say. There were some mistakes and problems arose. I was kinda down honestly although it wasn't my fault at all. Anyway, it's over already and there's nothing we can do. Luckily when the show ended, an Australian old man (the cousin of the groom) talked to me and he told me I had done a great job. He said he was watching me the whole night, standing at the corner, with the walkie talkie on my hand and my long list of timetable. Everything was greatly done, the timing of the performances and so on... I was damn happy after hearing what he said. Thanks to the old man and thank God!!!

The gorgeous stunning couple of the night! Big big congrats to them! Finally the show is over and I can spend time thinking for my CNY which is just around the corner now. Weeee~ Can't wait to hang out with my friends and have a lot of fun and craziness with them again like last year. God bless!
Love Hui ♥
♥ Saturday, January 7, 2012

Love Hui ♥
♥ Sunday, January 1, 2012
New Year 2012Sorry for not updating much at all guys. I am really lazy even when I have things to blog about. Well, 2011 has passed just like that and now it comes the 2012. Honestly, I am not ready for it. Time is just running too fast that I'm worried I'm not able to catch up. But no matter what, the time won't stop running just for me. So, accept it!
Let's have a summary about what had happened in my 2011. I had great CNY, I started working, I met a lot of new people, I got rejected by the University I applied, I got lost for my future, gained a lot of weights and had serious depression, cried in every month, trying super hard to lose weight but turned out to be nothing, had some memorable experience that I am not able to say it out here, permed my hair for the first time, had great Christmas, lastly and most importantly, I have somehow changed.
There are two persons that I wanna thank at here. Overall, 2011 was not really treating me right. I had a lot of hard times. Firstly, I wanna thank my mum for always listening to me, helping me and protecting me whenever I don't feel so right. At the same time, I feel sorry for making her worried for me all the time. She is really the best mum in the whole world for me. I love her so much.
Secondly will be someone mystery. Let me named this person unknown. Unknown, likes my mum, always be there for me, helping me, listening to me and talked to me when I had no one to go to. There's always things that I am not able to tell my mum as well, so yeah... Unknown had really helped me went through a lot.
Of course, I have to thank God for sending these people for me. Without Him, without them, I think I might not be here already. I wish that they will still be with me in 2012. I don't wanna lose all of them. I have changed in some ways. I don't really like to talk that much anymore, kinda lazy to socialize.
I get to know more about myself in 2011. I have learned a lot about people nowadays. Human nature should I say? People tend to remember your bad things and forget about all the good things you have done for them. Why? Because they have taken everything as granted. Eventually, they ignore how you feel. They don't even care about it. Don't expect anyone to spend times on wiping your tears, trying to put a smile on you. No way. You gotta do it yourself. Everyone only loves themselves. Anyway, I am trying my best to forget about the bad and remember the good.
To tell the truth, I don't like the world, I don't like the people nowadays, including myself. So I seriously don't wanna be a human again for my next life. I wanna disappear completely and just be the air. Life is fucking hard and annoying some of the time...
Guess I'm getting a bit unstable so I should stop here now. I'm fine. I will still try hard to be strong and move on. God bless everyone to have a happy new year 2012 and stay healthy!!!
Love Hui ♥