♥ Friday, October 28, 2011


Love Hui ♥
♥ Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Thick LipsAs you know, all my siblings are having thick lips. But I guess I have the thickest?

Will the lips grow thicker as we grow older? Somehow, I feel like my lips are getting thicker and thicker. Hate it you know? This is why I don't like to apply anything on them. My sister always says my lips are "sausage lips" especially when I am not smiling. Urgh!
Anyway, the curve-in part of my upper lip is getting kinda obvious now also. Is it a good thing? I have no idea. Overall, I still don't like my super duper thick lips. Just a very random post I know. Bye!
Love Hui ♥
♥ Saturday, October 22, 2011

Love Hui ♥
♥ Friday, October 21, 2011
"The Past" & "The Present"Before, I always checked on my phone credit.
Whenever it went low, I'll quickly go and top it up.
Nowadays, I leave it out of credit for days.
It's no longer very important to me.
I even forget the existence of it sometimes.
Years ago, although I was fat too,
at least I didn't need to control my diet purposely.
I did some workouts only when I felt like doing it.
Nowadays, I don't even dare to eat outside.
I have to worry for my weight problem
and even suffer from depression about it.
I used to have many friends around me.
I talked to many people everyday.
My world was full of craziness and laughter.
Now, I only talk to my boss most of the time.
Who else to be crazy with? No one.
I have lost contact with many friends
even though I still manage to see their updates
in the world of social network.
But it's okay. I'm cool to being alone now
and I'm used to it too.
The crazy, silly, noisy me nowadays has lost?
I'm lazy to talk, lazy to think of craps to mess with the others,
lazy to socialize.
I have a very simple life right now.
I thought this is what I want, what I'm looking for,
but it actually get bored some of the time.
Life seems so plain like mineral water.
A lot of things are no longer the same.
But I'm sure there's one thing that never changes.
My life always turns out to be complicated and unexpected.
Love Hui ♥
♥ Friday, October 14, 2011
Love Hui ♥
♥ Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Kik MumI don't know since when, my mum keep telling me something not right. She is still trying to brainwash me with this "bad" idea. I don't what to mention clear what it is about. I feel a little bit funny of it. It's not totally wrong for what my mum told me, but still, I think she is a bit over already. Oh well, all I can say is about guys! Hahaha

Finally I got my fringe back after so long time. Honestly I'm a bit not used to it. I also got a new "LOVE" ring that day. But I lost one of my baby rings at JPMC few days ago. Today I got a new crystal bracelet from my sis and Danny as a gift. For good luck something something...
Lastly, I met one of my mum's friends today who I didn't see for more than a year already. She said I'm VERY fat now. But not much feeling when I heard it. Guess I'm slowly get used to people saying me fat now. My mood is not affected and I'm still smiling happily. I believe one day I will be able to reach my target!! All the best to me. =)
Love Hui ♥
♥ Sunday, October 9, 2011
A New ExperienceYesterday I went to JPMC Fitness Centre at around 4PM. I was a bit lazy so I just skipped the gym and went to sauna while my sister them did some exercises first before joining me. When I was on my way to the swimming pool, a foreigner stopped and asked whether I could speak English. I assumed he needs help that time.
Yes! He asked me about how to go to Empire Hotel. But hey, I am a dumbass at this. So I didn't manage to answer him. However, the conversation didn't end just like this. He started to talk to me and even asked me to sit down and have a chat for a while. He told me he is an African, came from South Africa, been here for 6 months, a teacher teaching French in Kiarong. He asked for my name, age, job and bla bla bla... I actually don't feel right that time as he was not rushing to go to Empire and so on. But oh well, I don't mind to talk to him as long as he doesn't has my real name, my home address, my I.C. number and so on.
One thing that I was totally not comfortable about him was the way he looked at my body. He kept saying I'm beautiful and have a good body shape for so many times. I think he's blind. I was hell so ugly that time, wearing working outfit, no makeup, swollen eyes, forehead full of pimples again. He kept saying that I should go to swim also. Swimming suit is compulsory at JPMC. But something different is that, usually people ask for your phone number, he asked me do I want his phone number instead. Of course, I don't need it at all. He asked to hang out, I just replied "we'll see" with a smile on my face awkwardly. The conversation lasted for about ten to fifteen minutes and I told him I got to go already. I didn't mention a word about it at all to my sister or danny after that I don't know why.
Funny incident is that we went to gym today again. I'm always the slowest to come out everytime after bathing. Sister and Danny waited me outside the pool there like always. They told me there's a foreigner talking to them and so on. He is a teacher teaching French in Kiarong as well, wearing hat and kinda good looking, like the one I met yesterday. But one thing that is not same is that he told them he is from Spain. Danny purposely asked for his number and he said 7121234. Danny straight away called his number and couldn't reach. He said his phone is off or whatsoever. Obviously he is a LIAR!!!!!! Expected! Danny said this kind of people is looking for "One Night Stand" so girls, be careful out there. Although he is good looking and a foreigner, but still a cheater!!!
I wonder what will happen if I manage to come out in time today. Anyway, I think this is a good experience to me though. So yeah... God bless.
Love Hui ♥
♥ Friday, October 7, 2011
No Fear For My DreamSorry for not updating much lately. Seriously lazy to open my browser, sign in my blogger account, and transfer my photos from my mobile to the lappy and blog. This is going to be a short post as well.
Started learning singing like finally. I had my first orientation today. It's kinda funny. Learned a lot as well. I can't wait for the next class already. Hehe Anyway, that's not the main point of my post today.
I just wanna say, no matter what obstacles I am facing right now for my real dream, I am gonna overcome it!! No matter how hard it is, I don't mind sacrifice a lot. I am willing to learn and work hard for the best of my dream. Not going to give up just yet. I believe I can do it and I'm gonna prove it to you that my dream can be turn into reality. Just because I dare to take risk for what I want!!! You don't really have the right to arrange my life. It's my own life! I know you're just worried about me and all you said/did are for my own good. Yes, I understand. But what about my happiness? I can just go and do what you tell me to do, but I know I won't be happy at all. Is that what you want?
Money is important. Yes, money seems like to be everything in the world nowadays. Without money, you're nothing. But for my dream, I don't really mind. I'll never know the answer if I never try it. Please give me a chance to do it. As long as we have the determination, everything could be possible. Dancing can be a career as well. Instead of thinking it earns me nothing at all, why don't you try to think I might be on the top one day? I know most of you are thinking that my dream is unrealistic, but for this one time, I got no fear for my future! I'm confident enough that I can do it! It may be real tough, but I am willing to pay the price.
I really hope you could understand how I feel. Somehow, I'm not going to give up this time. If you try to stop me, I won't be listening to you. Instead, I'll find my own way to fulfill my dream! God bless.
p/s: sorry that my "short" post turns out to be a bit long. xD Cheers!
Love Hui ♥
♥ Saturday, October 1, 2011
It's October!Time flies real fast. Three more months to 2012. Are you ready for it? I'm not...
"No matter how many times I fail, I must not give up and should keep on trying over and over again. Miracles happen, everyday in our life. All I have to do is believe in myself. I shouldn't be fear of anything. Be confident in the direction we want to go."
I have nothing much to say. Just hope everything goes well. New month, new start, new target. I'm still trying hard to comfort down my slightly unstable emotion. I believe I'll be alright soon. No worries. Thanks for the caring, my friends. God bless ya all.
Love Hui ♥