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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I Had Fun!!!

Yesterday I had a gathering with friends at Kaizen and it was fun except when discussing about the Uni stuffs! After finished at 10pm, most of us continued hang out at wywy until around 11.30pm. Reached home at around 12am and slept at 3am.

Woke up at 6am again today. Early right? I went to school with Ting, Teo and Fu to do some Uni thingy. Chitchatted at school for some times and went to have breakfast....or should I say lunch? Had lots of talking, gossiping and so on. Went back to Ting's house at around 11.30am after that and did some research for Uni. At 1.30pm, I went for my driving lesson for 2hours. I'm slowly improving I guess. Today learn going up the hill and a bit hard to control. Kinda worried my teacher will angry because I kept doing wrong. But luckily at last I managed to do it. Parking? Hmm... Improved a little bit as well. But still not very good. Still have long way to go. God bless!

I thought the guys will did lots of research when I was away but who knows they were enjoying there. Having snacks and playing online games. Haha Guess I need to go Ting's house again tomorrow or Thursday! =)

That's my day today and I really had fun! Love all my besties!!! ♥ ♥ ♥

Some photos here:
Bestie #1 : Ting ♥

Another two besties! ♥ ♥

Look serious and hardworking right? But.....

...they were actually playing games! That paper is used to block Teo from seeing Fu's cards! LOL

I'm a bit fully scheduled again! Another busy week! =)

Love Hui ♥

5:11 PM
Thursday, November 25, 2010


Sorry readers! I was kinda lazy to blog. Had been kinda busy since Monday. Let's have a brief updates then.

Monday, 22/11/2010
Went back to school to return all the textbooks. At night my arms muscles started to feel pain. See how heavy are those books? Plus, I helped to carry ting's and wen's books also. Damn sweaty after that!

Tuesday, 23/11/2010
Had my first driving lesson for one hour. Not very okay though. I found it very difficult. I can step the clutch until my left foot get numb and even though the aircon was on, I was sweat! Think too much pressure? No idea. But luckily my teacher is not strict at all. Very good! She didn't scold me. =)

Wednesday, 24/11/2010
Had a small gathering at KB with friends. Actually should be at Excapade but no idea why the people there said no booking for us. So we changed place. Almost everyone drives themselves already. So "adult" now. hahahah oya, after exam for so long, I finally did some exercises! But my hips hurt now! =(

Had my 2nd driving lesson for one hour also. Today learn straight and reverse parking! Damn hard okay? I can't see the lines!!! I knocked down two stands! My car went dead for many times!!! I can't imagine for side parking now... Every time after driving, I get moody! I don't like driving! All I need is just a driver! (T_T) I think I need to extend my learning time? Hope I can really pass. I really wish one of my family members is a driving teacher so that I have the small car with the "L" label at home and I can learn for as long as I want until I'm okay with it!

God bless!

Love Hui ♥

10:05 AM
Friday, November 19, 2010

Good Bye "A" Level!

Finally!!! It's all over now! But I don't feel much different though. Only that I don't need to worry about forgetting this and that, can sleep, play whenever I want with no limit! Can't believe it's really over now...

Time to do my own things now!! Have a lot of things to be done during holiday! Another busy one! No more PS, no more school lessons, no more exams... I will miss all the fun in it!

A great song by 林育羣 小胖
He has released his album in 15 countries at the same time! Imagine how famous he is!

Happy holiday everyone! ENJOY!!!! =D

Love Hui ♥

12:21 PM
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 9---The Last 2nd Day!

Biology paper one SUCKS!!!!!!!!!! This is the worst paper one I have ever done! Why is it damn so hard? Almost half of the paper I was not sure about the answer! Question one already not sure! WTH!!!!!! I need to use my sixth sense for some questions, or just simply guessing, or choose the one that make me feel safer! For one question, I kept hesitating between A and D!! Kept rubbing and shading until the last minute!!! I feel like writing "This paper SUCKS" on the front cover of the question booklet when the exam ended. I won't be surprised if I get a C or D for it!

Ohhhhhh well! Tomorrow is the last day! Let's hope it won't be another B-I-T-C-H again!
Good luck everyone!

Love Hui ♥

10:54 AM
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Count Down (^_^)

Love Hui ♥

10:53 PM
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 8

Hmmm.... Biology paper 2 was not that okay compared to June paper. Suggest what is meant by "the driving force for the environment." (3 marks) Why antibodies concentration decreases after the primary response? (3 marks) State, in term of nutrient flow, the significance of the double-arrows (<---->) between the plant and fungi. (2 marks) Question marks appearing above my head when I saw these questions! I tried to answer though but no idea correct or not!?

Biology paper 5! Well, I don't know... I did try my best! So let's forget about it now. Left two more papers then I'll be free!!!!! Not really looking forward to this holiday because I know it's gonna be a busy one again... But the first thing I wanna do after A level is SLEEP!!!! No alarm! No time limit! I wanna sleep as long as I want for just one or two days! Sleeping pattern totally a mess now! Sometimes sleep in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon, sometimes in the early night just for few hours...

Oh yeah... have to visit the dentist as well. Something's wrong with my tooth on the right side. A torture when brushing, rinsing, eating and drinking... Missing one molar tooth on the left side is not a problem! But when one of your molar teeth on another side have problem, you'll know how old people feel like when they eat without teeth!!!!!

Love Hui ♥

2:26 PM
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 6 & 7

Yesterday Biology practical was okay! Just that I used more than one hour for my question one which at first I thought the solution was contaminated or I did it wrongly. Not only me though. Many people the same. Everything went well but I got some small careless mistakes.I forgot to put a title for my drawings!! And for one sub question, which I almost missed out, asked to find the total but instead I find the average value. But overall, still not that bad! =)

Today chemistry paper 4 was a shit!!! As expected, I can't do many questions especially the electrochemistry!!!! But anyway, I did try to fill up all the empty spaces with some words and so on. Just hope I can get a "C" for it. I don't ask for more though. "C" will be enough! =)

Some announcements here. Actually planned to tell after A level but many people seem like not believing me that I don't care my results anymore. I think I will give up my dentistry course. If my results are good, then I will try to apply for Uni. If not, I will not continue my studies already most probably. Instead I will find a permanent job and start to earn money!! Or maybe have a business with my sister. I have already discussed with my mum so now I let the God decides everything.

Honestly, even if I get good results, I don't feel like studying anymore. Really tired of it!!! But we'll see then. Life is hard but you gotta continue to fight for it!

One more week then I can wave A level goodbye! =D

Love Hui ♥

12:30 PM
Saturday, November 6, 2010

From Heaven To Hell...

I actually have 4 days to study for my chemistry P4 but I don't know why am I so lazy and only finished studying 3 short chapters until now. How am I going to die now?

Guess I can't sleep today? No idea...

Anyway, sister has bought me a pair of shoes and a shirt form KL. Weee~ *happy*

Love Hui ♥

8:17 PM
Friday, November 5, 2010


I'm kinda relax these days. Just started studying only in this afternoon. I'm hell so lazy I know...

Do I look like a monkey? HAHAHA I laughed after I took this picture! My face is so rectangular in shape! LOL *ignore all the stupid 痘痘 on my face*

Love Hui ♥

6:32 PM
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 5

Overall, I think only Chemistry p2 was okay for me. Maths p6 and p5 were not that okay. But well, I have tried my best! Everything is decided now so shouldn't think of it anymore...

However, I don't feel right now I don't know why!? Have some sort of... erm... bad feeling? I don't know... Just don't feel safe I don't know why...

God bless for everything to be fine no matter what...

Love Hui ♥

6:34 PM

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Sheau Hui is my name.
A girl who is aiming for a crazy and optimistic life...
Boyish and Unique ♥
Love simple but always end up complicated!
I'm the one and the only one...

never ending happiness
True love
Be strong and independent
Be positive in thinking
Self improvement/enrichment
Lose weights

♥VanNess Wu♥
Summer Vun♥

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