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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Last Day~

Last Day of what? Yeah! You got it right. Today is the last day of September! Time flies! I gotta move my ass and go hit the books starting from tomorrow onwards! Wish me luck people! I wish you all the best as well! =)

"Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't and believe that everything happens for a reason."

Someone I don't know from Facebook sent me this through inbox because I prayed using the facebook's "God wants You to know" appliction. Nice though. First time using it. Don't ask me why I did that. I just did it all of a sudden. LOL

Actually the message is longer. Just that I couldn't understand the last part because there are no punctuation in between and some wordings are together without space in between as well.
See whether you can understand or not!?

"If you get a chance, take it if it changes your life let itnobody said its be easy they just promised it would be worth it."

If you understand, explain to me! Thank you! =D

Lastly, I wish everyone happy always. Stay strong and healthy! Love ya all!

Love Hui ♥

10:01 PM
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

You Know What?

Vanness has broken up with his girlfriend. I just knew it today and I was totally shocked by that. But non of my business also. I'm just busybody I guess. LOL

I have finally finished studying one chapter of chemistry today. I am so damn slow. But I'm worried for my biology more. My study mood is not here yet. I don't want to have any regrets. I hope I will be able to get back my stress and the right studying attitude in time. =S

I feel like having holiday now after one day off. I feel like there's no school tomorrow. Gosh! Think I'm really looking forward to the end of year holiday eh?

That's all. Nothing more I can say!
God bless!

Love Hui ♥

9:45 PM
Monday, September 27, 2010

Be Quiet...

I found many things today. Shocking, shocking and shocking!!! *mouth zipped*

For my Dentistry course, I can only choose to further my studies either in UK, New Zealand or Australia. Most probably I won't be choosing UK. But who knows? *thinking*

For my life, let me be alone for sometimes. Give me some privacy! I don't feel safe. I don't want my life to be lack of freedom and lack of security. I'm worried and highly insecure!!! But I still can handle everything myself.

Love Hui ♥

10:03 PM
Sunday, September 26, 2010


Yesterday I went to Nuriah's open house with Maria, Teo and his brother. Just for a while. Today, I went to Amalina(my GP mate)'s open house again with Teo, Jong, Wui Chung and Maria. I'm glad that I called Maria to go with me, if not I will be the only girl then. After that we went to many people's house again. About three more houses I guess. I was kinda tired though. I didn't sleep well last night. Thanks to my sister. =.=" LOL

I wore baju kurung today. I think it will be a bit weird if I wear the usual outfit. The baju kurung I have were given by someone when I was in Form 4. That time they were totally fit for me. Now I'm growing fatter. I can't even zip one of them now. My butt is bigger now. LOL but I still manage to fit in the another one. Just a little too tight. So my mum helped me to edit it. Since my mum's eyes are not that good now, I got to help her as well. Just for a few minutes, my eyes felt hurt and tired. I really wanna thanks my mum for that. I can't imagine how she did all the clothes years before. She is good in sewing clothes. I wanna learn but my mum is busy and her eyes are not good so it's hard to teach. The sewing machine is damn hard to control as well.

I'm so green, so Malay-ish! =D

I miss eating spaghetti now again! xD And I have a great time in meeting so many new people today.

Love Hui ♥

8:48 PM
Saturday, September 25, 2010

It Never Stops...

Everyone has problems. It just the matter that you accept it or ignore it. Everyone is different. Everyone and everything is changing from time to time. It never stops. I'm glad for meeting everyone in my life. Both good and bad. I wanna thank everyone for teaching me a lot of things about life.

I have experienced many bad things in my life and until now, it never stops. Bad things still happen always. But I'm not sad about it anymore. I'm not angry and I don't blame anyone for that. Why? Because my thinking has changed. Compared to before, I have really changed a lot. I don't feel myself as a little girl anymore. Don't wanna be so stubborn as well sometimes.

I guess Maria is the one who has a great impact in my thinking. Thanks a lot my friend. Not only her. Everyone around me has influenced me in some ways. I believe that I will keep changing. No matter in the way of good or bad, the most important is to be happy I think.

Also, I believe the God will never want to push me to the corner and want me to die. Everything happens for a reason. For me, all of the incidents that happened in my life are all the lessons of life for me to get better. All I ask for is just peace and safe.

This song says it all. This is me.

And to the anonymous, although I don't know who you are, I wanna thank you for helping me. You really did help me this time. Thanks a lot. Why is it so hard to find you? I hope to talk to you again soon! (I know most probably you won't be reading this. But who knows?)

At here, I wish everyone happy always and good luck for everything. God bless ya all. I'll pray for you all as well. =)

Love Hui ♥

12:16 AM
Friday, September 24, 2010

好玖 - 夏天

A nice and relaxing song for me. =D

Thank God for everything. Thanks my Guardian Angel.

Love Hui ♥

2:38 PM
Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Today is the Mooncake festival. My sister told us she will not be coming back. But today she's back! And my 2nd brother was home too! I had a great time. But tomorrow I have Maths p3 test and until now I haven't started my revision yet. Was talking with my sister until she went home. Gonna sleep late again I guess and I hope I can do well in tomorrow's paper! Kinda worried though. =S God bless me!

I just realized that I seldom take pictures with my sister nowadays. We should take more next time! Sister bought that two spectacles! So CUTE! =)

Anyway, wishing everyone 中秋节快乐!Have a nice day! =D

Love Hui ♥

9:36 PM
Monday, September 20, 2010

It's Just Beautiful!

The world is beautiful. The nature is beautiful. Life is beautiful.

No editing at all! =)

Even my mood is beautiful!

Love Hui ♥

6:57 PM
Saturday, September 18, 2010

My Future

First of all, I wanna thanks Ting. She told me she went to the YouTube to search for surgery videos to see whether she herself can tolerate the bloody scenes or not. I suddenly thought of it last night and I went to search for some dental surgery videos.

At first, I chose the video about implanting a tooth after extraction. When I first saw the procedure, especially when the dentist use something like a screw to deepen the hole and so on, I was like "OMG OMG!!! Creepy! Yuck!" Then my mum came in my room and watched with me. We even discussed about it together. Then I watched another video about implantation surgery. The dentist use the small scalpel to cut open the gum. The scene is really bloody. While watching, I kept saying "I don't think I can do it and I think I have to give up." But my mum said I can choose not to do the implantation. Just the tooth extraction and so on. Hey, I was a bit surprised though. My mum is supporting me isn't it? I thought she will ask me to give up instead. I thought she doesn't want me to go for dentistry?

Anyway, until halfway my mum can't tolerate anymore and left. I continued watching and you know what? Just after a while, I think it's nothing to scare about. I was totally fine about it already. I think it freaked me out a bit at first is because I know nothing about the procedures, kind of dangerous and it's people's life okay? No kidding. But I will know once I have learned it, so it should be okay.

After that, I watched the videos for tooth extraction, putting braces and dental injection and so on. Nothing creepy at all. It was kinda interesting! I even imagined myself as the dentist, doing all the procedures I had watched when lying on the bed. But I'm worried about my wisdom tooth. I think it hurts a lot. For the one I watched, the patient's wisdom tooth grew inside the gum. The whole tooth. Only a very small part was outside the gum. It's a molar tooth. Imagine how big is that? I don't want to have that. It must be very painful! =S

Okay! So after watching, I started to search for Universities again. I found Tufts University in US, Mahsa University in KL, Otago University in New Zealand (found this earlier) and also University of Melbourne in Australia. For Mahsa, the entry requirement is kinda low. CCC/ CCB will do. For Otago, Chemistry is a must! The grade should be B and above I guess. I'm not sure about the requirements for both Tufts and Melbourne. I can't find it. But most probably I will need to wait for one year. The application deadline is early. The deadline for Tufts and Melbourne is already over. For Otago, the deadline is this coming 1st of October. Not sure for Mahsa. Doesn't mention at the website there. So I will think more about it after A level.

Mahsa University's entry requirement for dentistry has relieved my stress. At least I know even if I can't get all A for my A level. It's not totally hopeless yet. I can forget about retaking for my AS now. I feel better. So going for which University will all depend on my results now. I'm still thinking to take dental surgery or dental technology? Or dental surgery assisstant which is available in Mahsa, a 2-years course? Most probably will be taking Dental surgery, a five-years course I guess. Dental technology takes only 3 years. Hmmm.... we'll see!

Finished saying about my future. Now let's talk about today, The jogging for today should be off because of the weather and Jong's going to Bandar with his family. But Steven didn't know it's off and gave a sudden visit to my house. Thanks to Jong! I was cleaning my house that time. My brother and Steven then kept asking me to go to the Sungai Liang Recreation Park. Steven said he wanna have a look. They said we will be home early!!! I was being tricked! Ended up doing some exercises and took a lot of funny pictures!

But overall still a nice day for me! Holiday is coming to an end. School reopen on Monday. I'm not going to study today and tomorrow. Gonna enjoy and rest enough before I start to hardcore. So I have studied nothing at all during my holiday! =)

Love Hui ♥

7:29 PM
Friday, September 17, 2010

The Second Day~

Today is the second time I went to jog with brother and Jong. But today is much more tiring. I don't know why. Woke up very very late today and just after a while I went for jogging already. So until now I haven't studied yet! Got new discovery today. The track today is a mess. We were directionless and just simply jogged here and there. Pictures will be uploaded to facebook. Nothing funny for today I guess. We planned to have regular jogging now. Everyday except when we are to busy since exam is coming.

Some photos here:

Our new discovery. hahah A nice place but many mosquitoes!

在等待的期间,来一瓶 "Sprite" 吧!
HAHA we were waiting for the rain to get smaller and also waiting for Jong's car!

Under the roof
dark sky

We were home a bit late today. Damn sweaty. But feel so great after my beauty bath! xD

Another happy day!

Love Hui ♥

7:20 PM
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Unproductive But Great!

Let's talk about yesterday first. Had a gathering for Steven at wywy and it was fun for me. We talked a lot. Went home at around 10+pm. Kinda early eh? After that we still had a group chat until around 12am I guess?

When lying on the bed, waiting to be asleep, I thought of many things. Of course, it's about the future. I'm really no longer a small girl. Soon, I will have my own life, my own career and family. For girls, the earliest age we get married is 23 which is just 5 years later!! Fast right? I even imagined myself pregnant, having babies then go out for gathering with old friends. HAHA funny right? But time is running too fast! I don't think I'm ready enough yet! LOL

Oh well! Forget about it! Get over my A level first! haha I woke up late today. Texted ting and han. Everyone still in lazy mode. But I did study. I started at around 2pm. Very slow and didn't study much but it's better than nothing. Right? After that I went to jog with Jong and my brother at 4pm. We walked to the Sungai Liang Rainforest Recreation Park. Think it has been a long time since we last went there. There's new things. I call it as "a small gym." There's a playground now. And also many things for you to exercise just like OGDC but far more better than there. We laughed so crazily because there's many times for what we were doing are kinda misleading.

Brother and me both wearing grey! *peace*

The label board giving instructions!

This is what I mean misleading. HAHAHA can't stop laughing.

Ah Jong is the poser! My brother looks so lui also. Two salao! HAHAHA

Group photo but not nice. Hard to take a good one. And I was too sweaty until my fringe went out of shape. HAHAHA The boys like no sweat at all. LOL

Me in the girls' toilet. Almost going home that time. Fringe looks nice now. xD

There's too many nice photos to be uploaded. I will upload all the pictures to the facebook and there's two extremely funny videos but I have some problems in rotating it. So let's see how.

Today was extremely fun and happy. Many funny conversations again. That's my day today! How about yours? =)

Love Hui ♥

7:12 PM
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Nicky Lee 好玖

你的不快樂 在心裡瀰漫著 我們怎麼了
你在逃避著 我在心疼著
是什麼在傷害著 讓美好都遺忘了
你是背對的 我是沉默的

我只好假裝 我已不愛了 催眠自己我們不適合
我放開你了 我已不愛了 說一個謊在離別時刻
就當作最後是我不愛了 關上門以後 就算愛你又如何

你快不快樂 過得是否好呢 我這樣想著
你在愛誰呢 誰在想你呢
是什麼在反覆著 讓回憶都翻起了
你是遙遠的 我是孤獨的

我只好假裝 我已不愛了 催眠自己我們不適合
我放開你了 我已不愛了 說一個謊在離別時刻
就當作最後是我不愛了 關上門以後 就算愛你又如何

是什麼在傷害著 讓美好都遺忘了
你是背對的 我是沉默的

我只好假裝 我已不愛了 催眠自己我們不適合
我放開你了 我已不愛了 說一個謊在離別時刻
就當作最後是我不愛了 關上門以後 就算愛你又如何

Both of these songs are super nice!!! OMG! Nicky Lee is always so AWESOME!! When listening to 不爱了for the first time, I was going to cry soon. His songs always melt my heart. I LOVE HIM!!! The lyrics are beautiful. Don't you think so? =)

Love Hui ♥

11:51 AM
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Looking Forward To...

1. 拜金女王
Vanness is going to shoot for this Taiwanese series! Can't wait! They are going to start shooting soon. And they are going to France for the shooting as well. Cool!

He looks damn so smart!! Aww... xD

2. "Better"
An English song which Vanness is going to sing. It's written by Bruno Mars. The lyrics is beautiful!!

Click on the picture to enlarge it!

3. Nicky Lee's new album
It's going to be released on this coming 17th! He is always a great singer! I love his songs.

4. End of year holiday? This is crap!
Haha meaning A level is very near to the corner now. I woke up at 8am today but very sadly, I went back to sleep at around 9.30am again. I only managed to study for one page!! Gosh! This study attitude can kill me! No motivation! I need it! Anyone? No more last minute! I'll regret it for sure if I study last minute for it.

That's all! =)

Love Hui ♥

1:48 PM
Monday, September 13, 2010

Headache Headache Headache

Headache Headache Headache

Why headache again? Luckily not very severe one. But still suffering much... Argh. Headache always comes at wrong timing, when I wanna study. I feel like I'm finding excuses not to study but this headache is real. I woke up late today. My alarms got no sound and my ringtone become that stupid Nokia tune. I still managed to wake up when Maria gave me a morning call. But my head is heavy and spinning...

Don't feel like sleeping again. I don't want later at night I can't asleep again. But I have nothing much to do when I'm having headache. So what should I do? Hmm....

Hope the headache won't get worse and fast fast go away. Please don't come again. I beg you! =s

Love Hui ♥

10:19 AM
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Random Random~

Nothing to post actually. I was busy doing my GP homework. Finally have done the stupid comprehension. I don't know what am I writing though. At least I tried and not blank. LOL I still have one more data response to go then I'm done!!! I think I manage to finish by today. =) Just finished dancing for an hour. Sweat sweat sweat!

Anyway, I found this picture from Diane's facebook few days ago.

I miss my body shape that time. That time I was 10kg thinner than now. LOL Yeah, I have gained 10kg after coming to SMSA I don't know why. The picture was taken on December 2008. Time flies eh? I know I know...

Oya, I realized something kinda interesting today. I was thinking of my secondary teachers and Mdm. Shanthi was the teacher who gives me the feel of mother. She is gracious for me. Then I thought of the tutors from SMSA. Hey, none of my subject's tutors is a woman. All are man. Mr.Chan, Mr.T.G, Mr. Ancelm and Mr.Fakru. Even if I take Physics, my tutor will also be a man who is Mr.Nyiau. LOL

Funny? I just realized it after studying for almost 2 years. Fail me! HAHA
That's all.

Love Hui ♥

6:11 PM
Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Nice Day~

I went to Maria's house today at 3pm. Actually planned to go at around 6am but I just started to fall asleep at that time after lying on the bed for very long time. I went there to do my GP homework, played some dancing games, eating and talking. Overall, it's a nice day for me although short! =)

After few hours, I have just done this much! Blame that Maria kept talking to me!!! HAHAHA Just kidding~ Don't angry okay? LOL

Queen Maria! Look at her hair! kekekeke

Maria baked a cake while I was doing my homework. It's nice! I love cakes!!! *yum yum*

Two aunties vain-ing. HAHAHA

After playing dancing games! Sweaty us! xD

That's all about today. I still have to continue my GP homework later.

Anyway, I chatted with Ting last night and we talked about exams. After chatting, I felt kinda great and a bit motivated to study although she didn't say anything much. But yeah, I shouldn't give up that fast. I should keep fighting until the last second. I like to talk about studying and exam with friends so that I know what to do and so on. At least I won't feel so worry and have a direction in which way I should go now. =)

All the best everyone!
Borrowed something important from Maria today also. *happy*

Oya, I have passed my traffic law exam! My brother got the phone call about 2 days ago and he just told me today! *pfftt* Anyway, I'm glad that I passed! Wee~

Love Hui ♥

9:02 PM
Friday, September 10, 2010

Have fun talking to Maria just now. Think we talked for about one hour? Two hours? Or three hours? Forgot. LOL But thanks her a lot! I'm feeling kinda great now. =)

"很高兴认识你" <----- Maria said this to me and we both felt kinda shy and blushed. LOL

To Maria,

Love Hui ♥

4:17 PM



And F*** that all unknown comments there! I hate it!!

Love Hui ♥

12:46 PM
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I Have A Dream

I was having my birthday party at my house. I don't know how old I was. I was very happy since a lot of my friends were celebrating with me. But when everyone has finished their meal, Kang was waiting for the arrival of Kang and Amy. WTH? Another Kang was actually 黑人老大 (the Taiwanese artist). The real Kang was sitting beside me, waiting and he hasn't eaten anything yet. He was hungry but refused to eat before Kang (黑人老大)and Amy arrived. After that, everyone left. My dad got a phone call form my sister, saying that she is not going to come home and celebrate with me as someone died on my birthday! o.O?

I was getting depressed but hey, there still lots of people going to sing a birthday song for me and cut the cake with me. At that moment then I realized, everyone has left except Kang. Who is going to sing a birthday song for me? More sad! But I still wait with Kang. And I was waiting my birthday cake to arrive also. But there's a cake in front of me! WTH? The dream is confusing! Oya, no photos taking also because I forgot I guess?

The time is getting late. Then I was in my room, online-ing! Suddenly a window popped out, it's wen! She was mean and scolded me! She asked me not to mention I like sushi and one more thing but I forgot what already. She said she just read her dad's blog and there a picture of me in _______ (a word start with the letter "i"). I couldn't recall the spelling of the word now. She told me the meaning of it was a type of cartoon character. Her dad mentioned one more thing about me in the blog but I have forgotten it also.

At first, I didn't take her very seriously since she is always kinda mean to me. But she said the word again in another window with lots of exclamation mark!! Then I know she was real pissed off. I was extremely sad. Then just like TV drama, the devil scene showed up. I was an angmo teenage girl and I phoned wen's daddy to thank him for everything. I remember there's still subtitle below there! LOL okay, wen's dad stay the same. Beside him was a little girl with blonde hair. That was tingwen!! She was crying because I steal her dad from her. I did complain to her dad about what she said to me!! I was very bad and evil. But that is not happening in real. In the dream, I replied "Not to mention much then, I just wanna thank you and your dad for treating me like a family........." The reply was long but I only remember this much! It was already 11.36PM. Hey, can go buy 4D eh? LOL Back to the topic, I was waiting for wen's reply and also my birthday cake. Wen did not reply and I know she was not going to reply me anymore. I know I won't be able to get my birthday cake as well. It was very late already. Even people were sleeping already. So I looked out the window and waiting the time to strike at 12AM sharp. I will make a wish through the stars in the sky, alone.

So I have a dream. I have a nightmare! A birthday without a birthday cake, no birthday wish, and at the same time, my most important friend hating me. SAD MAX!!!!

Overall, I didn't sleep well. I was suffering from headache and stomach ache last night. Only fell asleep between 2 and 3AM. But the dream woke me up at around 6.30AM....

Love Hui ♥

7:02 AM
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Plan Failed!

I don't manage to study today. My severe midnight headache is back. It woke me up at around 5.30AM. I quickly switched off the air-con, wore my jacket and used two blankets to sleep. The headache became more and more serious and I couldn't sleep back. I was shivering for about one hour plus on the bed. Finally, when I sun rises up, there's some heat for me and I was asleep back and feeling better. Maybe I should have a heater in my room? Anyway, the headache hasn't gone yet! My eyes are still red now. I have no idea why the headache is coming back.

The doctor said it's because of tension last time but I haven't even started studying yet! I have no idea why.... I just hope no more next time! But kinda impossible!

That's all! No energy right now...

Love Hui ♥

12:43 PM
Monday, September 6, 2010

Last Day To Relax~

I went to Miri to renew my mum's passport with my parents and aunt today. I slept at around 3AM or later than that last night and woke up at around 4.50AM. So I didn't really have my sleep. I just got home for a while. I thought we will be home at around 3PM but who knows this time we're home kinda late. I am extremely exhausted now! Wanna finish blogging as soon as possible and bath, then sleep!

I arrived in Miri at around 9.30AM. Oya, at the custom there, we had a troublesome officer!! He is damn so strict!! He checked everything. Hey, we were going to Miri, not coming back from Miri okay? LOL Well, today there's hell lots of people making passport. Overcrowded!! I even had to sit at the closed counter's table. LOL So we waited from 10AM to 12PM for the passport thingy to be done. While waiting my mum's new passport to be out, we went to have our lunch and did a little shopping after that. That time, there's an old man who is inconvenient in walking, pushing a speaker singing all the way round and begging for money. A lot of people donated money to him, even my dad. Everyone gave at least $5 I think. Happy to see so many kind-hearted people. =)

Anyway, we went to get the passport at around 3PM. Actually want to find my 2nd aunt who lives in Miri. But unfortunately, she was not at home. So we just dropped down something for her at her house there. My mum misses her a lot! The last time they met was last year December. It has been more than half year already. Time flies!

Okay, back to the topic. I asked my dad to bring me to the Boulevard after that as I wanna buy my contact lens. But I was not sure where was the optical shop already. I have very bad memory in remembering places okay? LOL So I walked to the 2nd floor and searched. NO! Then 1st floor. NO! Ground floor. NO!! Where the hell is that shop? Or is it at Parkson? Gosh! I really don't remember. I continued searching all over again and finally I found the shoes shop that is near to the optical shop I was finding. I asked the owner there and she told me the optical shop has moved to the Parkson and another Boulevard. I was like....Okay... My foot was pain like hell already, walking here and there with high heels! Then in the end, I bought my lens from another optical shop. I just knew that they have sold the same type of lens and of the same prices! KIK

Planning to buy sexy grey colour but too bad, my degree has no stock already. So in the end, I bought smokey black. Don't wanna use summer brown again. Not really happy with that. But oh well, after three months can change again. Haha Oya, I was kinda embarrassing when I told the shopkeeper my degree due to my stupid tongue. It should be "three hundred degrees" but I pronounced it as "three hundred dregwee." Something like that!! Arghhh!!! >=/

We went to e-mart after I got my lens. I bought a new sport shoes!! Damn happy!!!! Oya, my mum has bought me a short as well from another place! Wee~
Okay, I think that's all about my journey today!

(Don't forget I am a vain queen! kekeke)

I wore kinda simple today. Haha

Was leaving my house soon. Let's have a picture with the "green" environment! xD

Listening to mp3 on the journey! So enjoying! LOL

Lastly, my sport shoes!!!!! 爱死它了!!!

That's all!! My last day to relax. Gonna start to hardcore tomorrow!! No much time left!!! Wishing everyone all the best too! =D

Love Hui ♥

6:23 PM
Sunday, September 5, 2010







Love Hui ♥

9:08 PM
Saturday, September 4, 2010

"Sad To The Max"

I have ordered some accessories from my sister. Very unluckily, my two favourite necklaces have no stock already. Sad to the max!!
They are super duper nice right? Too bad I'm too late! =(

Anyway, I found something interesting today. Just some pictures drawn by someone. I found it from "weibo" and I am totally in love with her drawings. How I wish I know how to do it also. Another "sad to the max" LOL

Wen, you should know who are those people in the pictures right? kekeke

So in love with all the pictures. But I have poor drawing skills. *sob sob*

Love Hui ♥

6:57 PM
Friday, September 3, 2010

One Of My First Time!

Today I'm VERY happy!! First of all, my mum took a day off and brought me to Seria. It's Friday! So we went to the tamu with my aunt! It has been a long time since we last went to the tamu. I think it has been months or more than that already. Had not seen my aunt for quite a while also. My aunt said I'm fatter. But I'm not sad to hear that cause it's expected! LOL

Today at tamu, almost all my mum's friends asked the same thing when they saw her. All they asked was about the selling of sweet corns at the new place. And my mum kept on saying the same thing again and again. LOL

Well, I went home at around 5pm. I asked mum whether she wanna rush home and work!? If not, then teach me drive. That's what my title is saying about. My first time in driving the real car. I learned at the Lumut LLRC. It was kinda fun. I was confusing about the legs at first. But slowly slowly, I got it. My maximum speed today is just 30km/h but it's so damn fast for me already. I can't imagine how does it feel like when driving with very high speed!? Gosh! Scary! And I really have to fully concentrate when driving. I drove around the football field there for around one hour. Turning here and there. Then my mum asked me to drive out the small road until the LNG there.

My mum said will heart attack cause I drove a bit too much to the left side. She was worried that I might hit the stands beside the road. I got a bit nervous when I saw car coming. Oya, got one time I was almost driving into the forest! I was reversing that time and I couldn't stop the car. LOL Confusing bah! I think my brother will kill me if he knows I drove his car today. HAHAHA

Overall, I think reverse is very hard. I can't see the back at all. I just simply reverse today since there's no car and no nothing. I forgot I should use the mirror! LOL And I drove with bare foot today. kekeke Mum said she wanna charge me $10 for teaching me. I just gave her a slap on the hand! xD

Today is kinda memorable for me. I'm very happy. I feel so great! Thanks mum! You have made my day! =)

Love Hui ♥

6:47 PM
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Say "Hi" To Holiday!

Today was kinda fun I guess? Due to assembly, I didn't have biology class. For GP, only 10 people enter the class. Everyone was so quiet and nobody wanted to answer Mr.T.G.'s questions. For Maths, I think the test was okay. Although I can't get the answer for some of the questions, I think it was alright.

Jong was sick today. Something's wrong with his eyes. He can't really open his eyes and he was having flu-like symptoms. He said it started since the assembly. It got worse when on the way home. Tears kept flowing. His eyes were red. I have taken some photos.

Here it is:
Don't worry. He was actually laughing non-stop that time. Although he was sick so badly, his mind is still so yellow and functioning good! LOL

LOOK! Jong is crying!!!!! Can you see the tears? A bit blur cause the car was shaking that time. Hard to take good photo. LOL

Pity look? Hmmm... I laughed so loud after I took this photo. I'm sorry. I just felt like laughing. LOL

Anyway, I have no idea how is he now!? Just get well soon alright. =)
God bless!

Love Hui ♥

7:48 PM
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Happy September!

So today my traffic law test was.......okay? I hope so! At first, everything was okay. But when it comes to question fifteen, it shows a sign of round-about with little changes to the one we have learned from the book. I am not very sure whether the meaning is still the same or not!? I hope yes! If not, I'm gonna fail then. The first fifteen questions must get correct!!! For the remaining 25 questions, I'm not sure about some of the answers as well. I hope I guess it correctly. Section C is hell so complicated. But overall, I guess no more than 7 questions will be wrong for me. No idea. =s

Well, before going out today, we went to take the permission slip and need to take the signature of the subject's tutors again. Walking here and there was really damn hot and tired. Especially we girls with tudung. Also, when Azfirah and I went to inform Mr. T.G. that we might be late for the class, he asked us to tell him when we get our driving license. He said he sure will drive 10Km away from our cars. LOL

Tomorrow is the last day of school. Holiday is coming. Actually we are allowed to go home at 10am tomorrow but I have maths test. So have to go home late. I hope I do well for it. If not, Mr. Chan will spark me again. Kinda lazy to study. Feel like no school tomorrow already.

Love Hui ♥

6:37 PM

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Sheau Hui is my name.
A girl who is aiming for a crazy and optimistic life...
Boyish and Unique ♥
Love simple but always end up complicated!
I'm the one and the only one...

never ending happiness
True love
Be strong and independent
Be positive in thinking
Self improvement/enrichment
Lose weights

♥VanNess Wu♥
Summer Vun♥

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