Finally chemistry p3 is over. As I expected, I didn't finish the paper in time. This time I tried to do question 2 instead of 1 first. But I guess I have made the wrong decision again. Never mind~
Blanked kinda a lot of questions. Don't even have the time to check how many questions left. Hah! Now I finally know what to do next time. I don't think I will be able to finish doing my p3 in A level as well so in order to get A, I have to put efforts in the other papers especially p2 and p4!!! No other choices!
And yeah, I have no feeling at all even though I didn't finish doing my paper. I was just like...."okay, bah!" LOL Jong, wani and I still laughed like crazy people when on the way home! Think we had sniffed too much "poisonous" gas!
Well, have to hardcore for chemistry p4 these few days! Hope I can do it. Next exam will be biology practical! Again! Another one! Will try my best!
Incidents happened today: 1. Morning when on the way to school, Jong borrowed my practical exercises to read. Window was opened widely. Suddenly, one sheet of my paper flew away! *phew* (say bye bye and laugh) 2. Many people having exam in the chemistry lab broke their tubes. My mummy (Hau Chin) also the same and cut his finger. Biology lab was in peace! (information from Jong)
Anyway forget about it people. Continue to fight for the other papers! All the best to you all!
Photo for today:
Like wen said last time: paper in the rubbish bin!!! (trash paper)
Love Hui ♥
11:35 AM
♥ Friday, July 30, 2010
Chemistry Practical!
Tomorrow I will be having my chemistry p3 exam. I hate practical! I'm kinda lazy to do it. And is it enough time? Is it hard? Especially the calculations.
Haven't revised it at all yet. Still studying maths! Last chapter now! FINALLY!! How slow am I? Think I won't be able to finish it by today so I have to continue it tomorrow and after that start my chemistry. Enough time to finish all in just about 3days?
Bla bla bla... Anyway, have to read some practical exercises now and head to bed. Thundering outside is spoiling my mood.... God bless everyone! All the best to all of us.
Love Hui ♥
8:56 PM
♥ Wednesday, July 28, 2010
First Paper
Since many people updated about their GP paper, so do I? xD
I chose the title "Do you agree the city is becoming increasingly more unattractive?" for GP paper one and I don't think I did it well. I stuck at the intro for some times, no knowing how to start actually. I didn't develop my points very well this time as well. And for the conclusion, I don't know what am I writing. Time is limited and I have no time to think carefully. Hence, I just simply wrote what my brain was thinking and what my hand wanna write. LOL
Anyway, I don't expect much about it. I'm not good in GP but this time, a bit worse than before. Oh well. It's over. Should continue studying my maths now. Kinda hate my attitude towards the exams now but what to do? I just don't feel stress. Think all my stressing DNA have all died out. Nahh...don't want to create problem for my tiny little brain. I'll just try my very best!! All the best to everyone as well. God bless!
Love Hui ♥
10:21 PM
♥ Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Someone please stress me up!!!!!
Should have finished studying for maths p3 and start my Chemistry p4 today but instead, I'm still studying maths p3 now and only up to chapter 5!!! I was sleeping all these days. No idea what's wrong but yesterday was feeling not well. Almost on my bed for the whole day.
How am I going to survive for this exam? @_@ Why am I not stressed at all? Why am I not nervous, scared and still so relaxing? My studying speed is slower than the snails' movement. =.=" God bless!
Love Hui ♥
2:27 PM
♥ Friday, July 23, 2010
My Savior My God
This song is so amazing!!! AWESOME!!! I love it hell so much!!!
Anyway thanks to everyone who concerns about me joining the christian thingy. I'm okay so don't worry. Once again, thank you!
God bless ya all!
Love Hui ♥
7:39 PM
♥ Thursday, July 22, 2010
Just got back from Bandar. Kinda tiring and I'm heading to bed after this post. Didn't study anything much today.
Well, first of all, I went to Bandar to visit my sister-in-law just now. She is fine actually. Just not convenient in doing things now and she will be having her operation this Saturday morning. We arrived at the hospital at around 8.30pm and since we never been there before, we all were a bit sakai about it. The parking spaces are so small and kinda dangerous if you're not having good driving skills. The hospital is very big and crowded. We talked until around 9.30pm. My sister-in-law will not be working for about a month or more than that since her arm will be wrapped with cement after the operation.
My brother and sister-in-law told us that my eldest niece actually knows her mum is in hospital since she saw her mum falling down that time. Oya, one correction here. My niece was behind her mum and not underneath her when the incident happened. Anyway, my niece is so caring for her mum. She warns her mum not to wear high heels anymore. Only can wear short high heels. She is well behaved even her mum is not around. She just asked her grandmother how many days she still has to wait for her mum to get back home. She reported her mum everything about her homework and school stuffs through phone.
My sister-in-law also told my mum that my niece has won a lot of competitions at school. She got the first place for many competitions until the other class teachers asked her class teacher not to let her join in any competitions anymore. If not, she will be the champion again. She got the first place for her examination as well. She is intelligent and great!!! However, if not mistaken, she might be a bit same as me, giving herself pressure and scared of disappointing the others because her mum told us that my niece said she doesn't wanna join certain competition as she's worried she might not be able to do well and win later. Overall, she is still amazing!!!
Okay, back to the topic. After leaving the hospital, my eldest brother brought us for dinner. We have Bakuteh!! Yum yum. At around 10.30pm, we went home. I had a good chat with mum when on the way home. We talked about my future, my career and so on. Told my mum about going to New Zealand for my dentistry course if I manage to get good results. I told my mum if possible I might be working there after my course since the currency there is a bit higher than Brunei. But mum said not good. Later I become New Zealand's people and she can hardly see me. So the main point is she doesn't want me to work overseas and not coming back here. Therefore, I told her I have to apply for yellow I.C. in the future for my own good when it comes to finding job here.
After that, I finally asked my mum about joining the Christian thingy and that's the reason for my title. She didn't strongly disagreed or what. I know why she said it's useless and it ways better to believe in yourself than Jesus and so on.... The main problem is that if I join christian, I will not be allowed to touch the joss sticks and cannot go 祭拜 my parents and my grandparents them when they're no longer here (on Earth). I have thought of this problem as well. There isn't any solutions for me yet. Conversation stopped after this and honestly I feel down... It's impossible for me to tell my mum the real reasons for it. I can't do it! I just can't! It's impossible to tell my mum like....."hey mum, I wanna join christian because I'm a pessimistic and highly emotional person and it's God that saved me and so on..." NO WAY!!! She will most probably feel worried if I do so...
So what should I do now? After thinking for very long time, I have decided to focus on what's coming up first. I don't want to join the christian without my parents agreeing with it. It's like forcing them to accept it. I don't like it. So I'll just wait again for the right time and ask again.
What am I going to do now are: 1. focus on my qualifying exam 2. get my car license 3. joining the christian 4. 'A' level 5. dentistry course
I don't wanna think so much about it now so I'll just give all my worries to Jesus now. I believe that everything will be fine. All I need to do now is concentrate in my coming exams!
Actually I get a lot of encouragements from God and that's why I'm not feeling so stressed out for the exam this time. Even Jong noticed it. I just follow the flow and try my best for everything. I don't want to force myself and mess up everything. Honestly, I still feel like going out even though I'm not having enough time for my revision.
I had Maths p6 test today and most probably I will fail. I have checked the answers and counted my marks. If not mistaken, I will only get 44 for it. I did cry about it when I knew I will fail but it's just because I didn't expect that. It will be okay if I pass even with very low marks. Somehow, I'm totally fine about it now. Mr. Chan said he doesn't want to care anymore so I didn't give myself much pressure anymore. I chatted with him about it just now and always keep in mind for what he says, "learn from mistakes." So yeah, I'm fine and I believe I will do more and more better next time. I won't give up!!
Well, I think that's all for now. God bless me! I love you, Jesus! Wish everyone good luck for the coming exams as well. All the best!!
Love Hui ♥
11:25 PM
♥ Wednesday, July 21, 2010
God Bless and Get Well Soon
About an hour ago, my mum told me something shocking. Mum told me my eldest sister-in-law fell down when bringing my eldest niece to school this morning. It's very serious!!! She fell down because she was feeling dizzy or what and most probably due to PMS. Not very sure about that. She fell down and my niece was underneath her. Luckily, my niece is safe.
After that, I have no idea who brought her to the hospital and the doctor said her bones at the elbow there were dislocated. Now it has been fixed back. However, after X-rays screening, the doctor said the bone is cracked and need to do operation. Actually it can be done by today but unfortunately, my sister-in-law's elbow is swollen seriously and hence, the operation has to be delayed.
My sister-in-law is staying at Bandar hospital now. I forgot why it has to be Bandar and not KB. Anyway, my brother planned to bring her to the best private hospital in Jerudong but again not fortunately, the operation machine is out of service currently. So she is staying at the government hospital now and most probably, she will be having her operation this Saturday.
Now, everyone is lying to both of my nieces. In order to prevent them from finding their mum, my brother told them their mum has gone overseas to work. They do believe it because my sister-in-law sometimes goes overseas for working. I just hope everything goes well and it will! Hope my parents would find some times to go Bandar to visit my sister-in-law.
My eldest brother and his wife!! She is very pretty right? xD
My nieces, Shuen and Shien!
Photos stealing from my brother's facebook. LOL I don't have their pictures. May God bless my sister-in-law and get well soon. *Praying for her*
Love Hui ♥
9:52 PM
♥ Saturday, July 17, 2010
I had organized a gathering for darling yesterday at OGDC. It was fun. The gathering started at 7.30pm but I went early with darling because we wanna talk. Who knows wen and teng arrived more early than us. So we went to the playground there to feed the mosquitoes! LOL
I felt good to talk to darling again. Wished the time will go slower for us. If not because of the coming exams, I think we'll still be hanging out right now. SAD MAX!! I just remembered that I still have many things to ask and tell my darling.... Oh well, there's always a next time.
Anyway, she is getting thinner and prettier. For me, more and more mature now! Sometimes I really wonder what would it be like if darling didn't go to Kuching and was here studying with us?! I guess we two will still be the crying babies and won't be as strong as we are today. My phone will probably be ringing all the times, calling from darling, asking tons of questions during exam periods. We'll be going out together, doing crazy and stupid things together and so on... Aww... How good is that? I miss it a lots!
My beloved darling!!! Thanks God for letting me to know her! ♥
Oya! She got me a present as well. It's a T-shirt! But but but.........I'm growing fatter!! The shirt is totally an exact fit for me. A bit tight. So I guess I need to lose some weights. I admit I'm fat so no need to remind me every time okay? You know who am I talking about right? SOIPO!!! xD
Ohhhh yeahhh... after OGDC, we went to wywy again. I ordered "hula hula ice cream" but tastes nothing special. It reminds me my kindergarten's incident. We all were in a line wanting to go home already. I was not feeling well and suddenly I vomited the rose drinks I had consumed during my breakfast. I didn't finish it and left it on the cupboard where we put our bottles at the back of the classroom. Most importantly is that I didn't admit that I was the one who vomited when teacher asked. I'm a bad girl! HAHAHA *shhhh* (keep it as a secret alright?) LOL
Okay, next! I'm growing fatter and I can't really diet! It's torturing!!! So let's see what am I going to do about it next time....
This is my favourite! "Love Letters" I will be gaining weights soon! =) Lazy to care now. Just wanna eat eat eat!!! LOL
That's all for now. God bless everyone!!! *Hope Vanness fast fast update his blog again* keke
Love Hui ♥
8:37 PM
♥ Thursday, July 15, 2010
At 4.30pm today, I did some exercises. At first, I played my hula hoop for one hour!! I managed to play 6000 turns this time! WooHoo~ But at around 5.15pm, BAMM!!! The clock dropped down from the wall and the cover glass broke due to the bass of my loud songs I guess...
I ignored it until I finished my 6000 turns. I took the clock to the outside with the broken glasses. Some glasses were stuck and I had to remove it. And now, incident happened! I accidentally cut my finger! The blood kept flowing out! How careless I was?
I was actually kinda attracted by the fleshy red colour of my blood. HAHA I have no idea what's wrong with me but it looks kinda nice for me. I feel like my blood is so clean and.... beautiful? LOL Okay, enough said. I'm not a 变态 or what okay? I'm just weird! xD
After cleaned up, but the blood was still flowing out! I just ignored it and continue my exercise. it's not pain or hurt at all. No feeling! But I started to feel little pain when I bathed and it started to bleed again after that. Now everything is fine already. Must be careful enough next time! God bless!!
Love Hui ♥
9:50 PM
This song melts my heart! So nice! I just discovered it! Kinda emotional but that's definitely my type! Awww....
Love Hui ♥
12:53 PM
♥ Sunday, July 11, 2010
Say Helloooo To FATS!
Yesterday my beloved sister drove back home. It was kinda rare actually since she seldom drives back home alone. She always follows her boyfriend or friends back home. But this time, she drove back and was early. She was home in the late afternoon. Usually she will be back in the late midnight. So I was! LOL
Anyway, she bought many foods home.
3 custard breads and one donut. I ate two of the custard breads and the donut! See how fat am I going to be? But it tastes nice especially when it's served cold. My sister still bought some other breads and foods! I have to control!
Well, three days holiday. What was I doing these 3 days? Watching Hong Kong series, do my maths homework, eat, bath and sleep. That's all. But I'm happy that I managed to finish up all my works in time as I thought I will not be able to.
My darling has came back from Kuching today and we'll meet up soon! Can't wait to see her. I have a lot of things to talk to her. Miss her lots. And lastly, I hope I manage to follow up my plan. Start study for exam tomorrow! I can do it! No more laziness.
God bless!
Love Hui ♥
11:54 PM
♥ Friday, July 9, 2010
Sorry for the hiatus readers! I'm kinda lazy to blog. Tons of homework and I'm kinda tired although there's no school tomorrow.
First of all, my GP presentation was finally over. It was okay and our comment from Mr. T.G. is "too American" because our examples and points all mostly pointing towards America. Oh well, at least it's over! YAY!!! Thanks to wen for teaching me the pronunciation as well although I still can't pronounce the word "fact" correctly. English is just so troublesome. What's the difference in the pronunciation of "fact", "fat", "faith and "fake"? @_@ They all sound the same to me.
Secondly, I watched a movie named the "Fame" and it's good! It's about dancing, singing, music and drama. I love all the songs in this movie. All are great! So nice!
Lastly, I had a small gathering at KB soon lee ayamku seafood restaurant with some of my friends yesterday. It was okay. We all didn't really talked much I guess. Did we? Somehow, I still have a great time being with them and meeting some of my old friends. Had a BIG surprise from someone as well. You will know one day what the surprise is...xD
Some photos here:
Main character of the night! It has been a long time since we last took a picture together. Anyway, welcome back!
Think this is the first time I took a picture with Danial alone.
Yi Xin and me! She wore a dress yesterday! Pheweeee....xD
Sistah!!!! Maria looks not that happy eh?
My favourite photo!!!! Pisces hooray~
There's still many photos we have taken but I'll upload to Facebook some times later I guess. We'll see. Okay, see you guys again next week! Let's have fun before hardcore for our qualifying exam! Shall we?
*Not really a nice photo but I just want to show the necklace*
God bless you all! Especially to those who are sick, get well soon and take care! Love ya all!
Love Hui ♥
9:22 PM
♥ Tuesday, July 6, 2010
I bought this medicine from Guardian yesterday! It's for my corns. Actually I planned to buy the plasters for it but since I wanna remove three corns, I will need to buy many of it. So instead, I bought this one. Hope they will disappear soon!
I feel tired and sleepy now. But I still have 2 maths assignments to do. How? If I delay it, I will suffer later since exam is coming soon and I need to start my revision. But I don't feel like doing it now. I wanna sleep!!!!!!
God bless!
Love Hui ♥
8:37 PM
♥ Sunday, July 4, 2010
A Lazy Sunday
I planned to wake up early and do my homework but life is always unpredictable. Some discomfort feelings and pain woke me up at around 7am today. The left side of my mouth feels hurt. It's not toothache and I can't find the exact point of the pain. I was very sleepy that time and so I ignored it and continued my sleep. But the pain kept attacking me until around 9am+, I can't tolerate anymore and went to tell my mum about it. Tears straight away flowed down my cheeks.
Not knowing the actual reason of the pain, my mum decided to bring me to the hospital. I went to get ready after that. I had to tilt my head to the right all the times so that it won't hurt. If not, I felt the pain even when I breathe and when I swallow my saliva. I cannot tilt my head to the left and back as well. I was just like a ghost with a broken neck! LOL
After I was ready, I got a phone called from my eldest brother. He told me to ask my mum to be at home waiting for the new fridge to arrive. My dad was away. So I need to wait. It was around 12pm+ already. My eldest brother called me again and told me that the fridge will only be arrived at 4pm. I went to inform my mum and she was busy doing her works that time already. I know she won't be free to bring me to the hospital already and so I went to sleep. I feel a lot better after that. The pain has not 100% gone yet. I hope when I wake up tomorrow, everything will be ok. If it gets worse, I hope my mum will bring me to the hospital for a checkup.
Wasted my Sunday and a lot of homework have been delayed. *puffs*
God bless!
Love Hui ♥
10:28 PM
♥ Saturday, July 3, 2010
The 3rd Day
As I mentioned earlier, I'm gonna do something crazy this month! Yes! I'm still doing it and it's not easy! I have started to fast since Thursday. I'm not allowed to eat for about 12 hours everyday but I can't tolerate my hungriness sometimes. So I only can have one meal each day which I choose it to be in the late afternoon. Unlike puasa, I'm allowed to drink water. To avoid any discomfort feeling during my fasting, I will have some candies when my tummy is screaming!
You must be thinking why I want to fast right? Yeah, other than for health reason, it's because of personal reason as well. I hope I really manage to do it. I feel like I'm torturing myself sometimes. It's easier to do it on a school day as it is kinda late after I reach home from school everyday. But when there's no school. like yesterday, it's damn so hard to do it. I have to busy up myself in order to distract myself from thinking about food! Strong determination is very important! I really hope I can do it and I believe I can do it!!!!
God bless me!
Love Hui ♥
10:06 PM
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Sheau Hui is my name.
A girl who is aiming for a crazy and optimistic life...
Boyish and Unique ♥
Love simple but always end up complicated!
I'm the one and the only one...
never ending happiness
True love
Be strong and independent
Be positive in thinking
Self improvement/enrichment
Lose weights