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Monday, May 31, 2010

Coming To An End~

I had my chemistry paper 2 today. I have no comment for the paper this time. Is it hard? Not really. Is it easy? Not really. So how was it? I don't know. LOL

But I know I didn't really work hard for this paper. I slept at 3.30am last night after finished reading my notes and woke up again at 6.30am. I started to read the past year papers at 7am but was kinda lazy and extremely tired. Moreover, I was having headache AGAIN! I just simply read through some of the questions until around 9am and went back to sleep. I even had a dream. In the dream, I had finished my exam and was on the way home, discussing the answers with my friends. When I woke up, I really thought the exam was over. The sky was kinda dark and it was going to rain. What a good weather to continue my beauty sleep. *boom* Finally back to reality, the exam was not over yet!!! But I gave up in reading anymore. I just scanned through my notes again and went to school. I lost my hopes and didn't expect much already.

Before going to the exam hall, STOMACHACHE!!! Oh great! Red light of my health is always on when I'm having chemistry exam. I wonder why!? It made me worried! Luckily, stomachache was gone after going into the hall.

I just left one paper now which will be on 10th of June!!! Woopee!!! I can be considered as free now!!! Finally the exams will be over soon!! God, it's tiring...

Love Hui ♥

4:38 PM
Thursday, May 27, 2010

What a GREAT Day....

Woke up with a heavy headache this morning. I was feeling so not well and sleepy for the whole morning. Good timing eh? In order not to affect my exam, I took medicine and was feeling okay after that.

Chemistry practical, I don't know what to say about it... I blanked a lot of questions!! About 8 questions!!! Some of the questions are important and carry many marks. I don't know whether I know how to answer them or not. I just skipped them and went to question 2. I didn't have time to think at all. Both questions are hell so long! Managed to finish all the procedures but I didn't have time to go back to think for the rest...

When Mr.Roland asked us to stop, I just closed the booklet. Not even trying to write anything more. Mood was bad until I forgot to off my Bunsen burner and said by Mr.Roland. *sigh* I expected that I won't be able to finish the exam in time when I was doing question 2, looking at the clock and getting emotional. Once the booklet was being taken by the examiner, tears were full in my eyes straight away. Talked to ting about it and controlled myself hard for not crying first.

At the lobby area, a Malay old lady saw my teary eyes and said "kasien." I just put on a quick smile and walked away. At the waiting area, I can't stand it anymore and started to cry. Trying hard to control and just wanna go back home fast! But unfortunately, my car came only at 5pm. I waited for about 45minutes, crying alone quietly.

Once I got in the car, I cried out loud and talked to jong and wani about it. Was better after that but still highly unstable. Now I really don't know whether I should still sit for my chemistry paper one and two since I'm sure I'm going to retake it in October/November. I don't have the heart to study anymore right now. What should I do? Anyone?

Now playing bad day mix... =(
*headache is back*

Love Hui ♥

6:05 PM
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Goodbye AS Biology!

Today I had my last biology paper and it was okay. I did went to school but only attended my maths class. All the other times, I was reading and sleeping. Yeah, I always sleep at school. I was too tired due to sleeping extremely late for two days consecutively. I slept at around 4am last night! I'm tired now and will off to bed soon after this.

Well, ting, teng, chee, shyan, wani and I gossiped a lot of things today as well. It was damn funny and laughter all around. Aww...I miss it!!! We talked about dreams, ghost, memories and bla bla bla... Kinda memorable for me. Thanks girls!!!

Tomorrow will be chemistry practical exam. I got a 'C' grade last year. Heard that the paper is kinda tough this time and it freaked me out. But I don't allow myself to be panicked before the exam. It will affect me for sure. So I don't want to think so much now. Just try my very best and have to do it FAST and CAREFULLY!!!!! I hate careless mistakes!!!

Anyway, all the best to everyone tomorrow.
God bless me! ♥

Love Hui ♥

10:55 PM
Sunday, May 23, 2010

My Oh My~

Another great song from Jane. Enjoy it!!!

Well, time flies so fast for me. It's the end of another week. Next week I'll be having biology paper one and chemistry practical exam on Wednesday and Thursday respectively. But I'm under progress for my revision now. Lazy me is back! LOL I have tons of maths homework to be completed by today and so study progress will be on tomorrow again!! I CAN DO IT!!!!

God bless me!!

Love Hui ♥

11:56 AM
Friday, May 21, 2010


I discovered this great great song from tv. I'm totally addicted to the MV and the song currently. Can't stop listening to it. Well, you got to listen to it!!!

The MV characters are hell so beautiful and handsome. Of course, the singer is great too! Thanks to her for such a nice song! LOVE IT!!!!!

Love Hui ♥

4:31 PM
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

There Go One More Mistake

I had my biology paper 3 yesterday. Same as paper 2, it's better than last year. But again, I'm not happy about it. For question one, we need to record the time taken for the food test. I was not careful enough in reading the question and so I didn't record it. However, biology teacher came to check my answers when there was still 10 minutes left. He told me my mistake and asked me not to panic and redo one more time. He told me I still have time. I did redo it. But while waiting for the colour change, I went back to do my last question. I thought the colour won't change that fast because I waited quite a long time when I do it for the first time. Unfortunately, after finished my last question, I looked at all the test tubes in the water bath and shocked! Three of them had already changed their colour. What I can do was just estimate the time taken for it.

I blame myself for it. I was given the second chance but still, I did it wrong! Why am I so stupid and careless? Why can't I finish the food test first before doing the last question?

Well,this is not the only careless mistake that I made. There's one question asking me to describe and explain the graph I had drawn. The graph is about distance diffused and time. But you know what the fuck did I write? I wrote about temperature and rate of diffusion. Just because the question before the graph is about temperature, I messed up my mind!

I got extremely mad at myself until tears dropped when on way home. I hope my brother didn't see it. Anyway, that time I really hope my mum was beside me. I wanna tell her!! When I reached home, my mum wasn't at home. I went to my room sadly. When I heard the sound of my mother's car, I rushed downstairs and told my mum about it. I cried loudly and scared my mum. I told her everything. Mum said even if I cry, I can't redo and change the answer already. Mum said just retake it again in October/November. She said it's okay for her to pay all the money and everything. After talked, I feel extremely better and no more crying! Thanks mum for helping me always when I need you!! *I did feel myself as a small kid of course*

Well, I cried just because the God gave me the second chance and I ruined it!!! I really wanna hit myself! I went to sleep early after bathed because I didn't have enough sleep the previous night. Eyes were burning but when I went to my bed, I can't sleep. No idea why!? I woke up at around 5am. Midnight headache attacked me again. It hurt me badly and so I didn't go to school today again. *sigh*

God, thanks for giving me the second chance but I'm sorry I still did it wrong....

Love Hui ♥

10:42 AM
Friday, May 14, 2010

Time Will Be The Best Healer!

Well, I skipped school the last 3 days to stay at home, studying for my biology AS exam which is today. I woke up early in the morning that three days. I had my breakfast everyday and after that, I studied non-stop. Although my studying speed still kinda slow, it's better than nothing. I walked around the house in order to stay awake until my foot got hurt. I went to sleep when I get tired and studied when I'm not. Even when I went to bed at night, I continue studying until asleep because I know I will be dreaming on bed for a long time before I fall asleep. So why don't I continue studying on bed instead of wasting time dreaming? I enjoyed studying at home these few days so much until I don't feel like going to school anymore. I wanna aim for the best this time because I really don't wanna retake again in October/November. But I can't. I have to go school and do all my homework. I have a lot waiting for me now. LOL

Honestly I felt kinda healthy and good. YES!! I'm an unhealthy person! Studies always come first in my life. *I know I'm weird* But now I feel regret for not taking enough good care of myself the last few years. I have received some mails saying about sleeping late and not having breakfast decrease your brain power. I believe it now. I hope it's not too late for me to make a change now. My body is getting real old nowadays. For my bright future, I have to be healthy to have the best conditions when having my exams! When you're healthy, you'll feel good and perform your exams better!!!

Anyway, about my biology paper2 today, it was just okay. For me, I think it's better than last time. At least I know what have I written. But I still don't feel confident that I can get an "A" for it. The word "correlation" appears in one question and I was confused about the meaning. Even though it's just a 2 marks question, but it really makes me kinda down. If you're not lucky, 2marks can decide everything. I feel worried for my results. To tell the truth, I do feel like crying. But my tears just won't flow out. I think I will cry out loud if I don't manage to get an "A" again this time.

Well, no use crying over split milk. I'm fine now. Time is the best healer. Instead of getting disappointed about it, why don't I spend more time and put in more efforts for other papers? Next will be my biology practical. I got a "D" last time and I hope to improve it this time. I don't ask for more, a "B" will do.

God, I believe in you and please continue to bless me for the best!!! I LOVE YOU!
All the best to everyone as well!

Love Hui ♥

9:36 PM
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day Continuation & Illness~

Eldest brother and his family came back home today. They have given mum a lot of presents.


Healthy vinegars!

The sweetest present for my mum. Drawing by my eldest niece. When I saw it, the first one who appeared in my mind was xuan wen, wen's sister. xD

I guess my mum is satisfied with everything we prepared. =) Once again, Happy Mother's Day!

Next is about my injury. Well, I got bitten by some kind of mosquitoes or insects when I went to the beach that day. The injured parts are itchy and some of them swollen which cause pain. Also, it felt hot like having high fever.

I think this is the biggest that I got. I got 20+ of them but only some are swollen.

I can't sleep well because it's too itchy. Sometimes I can't stop scratching until almost bleed. So my mum asked me to wash them with hot salty water.

This is the medicine mum asked me to apply after washing. Finally, it's becoming better now. The swollen parts are not feeling hot anymore and not that pain as well. I think I will be fine soon. Thanks to jong and his mum who tried to help. =)

Hope the others who got bitten will get well soon also.

Love Hui ♥

11:32 PM
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mother's Day!!!

Tomorrow is Mother's Day!! Brother and sister have bought a cake for my mum. Since my fridge is out of service now so we cut the cake today!

The cake is sooooo beautiful! Aww...so sweet! Love-shaped fruit milk cake!

My cute mum and sister! xD

Mummy busy eating her cake! HAHA

Mum, Happy mother's Day to you.
We love you forever!
Thank you!

Love Hui ♥

9:00 PM
Friday, May 7, 2010

Welcome back STEVEN!

Had a gathering at lumut beach today. Not going to say much about it. Let the photos do the job! Well, will upload all the photos to facebook after AS exams. LOL

Some photos here:

Steven koko!

BBQ-ed marshmallow by Francesca...EWWWW!!!!

My BIG footprints on the beach!

Natural beauty pose by maria sapo! =)

My ugly foot! xD

Advertising my ring! LOL *random*

Nice view...

Not very nice but I kinda like it. LOL *vain*


Too many nice pictures but I'm lazy to upload it now. Next time ya! =)

Love Hui ♥

7:28 PM
Thursday, May 6, 2010

My results part 1~

Got back some of my papers today! First is my GP paper one. Unexpectedly, I passed it. I was so shocked when I saw my marks. Teacher gave me a good marks for the use of my English. I got 15 out of 20 for it. Still can't believe it now. LOL

For my chemistry, I did not do well this time. Still passed but not really satisfied. I got 68. At least still got a credit for it. And lastly is my maths! Better than I expected. I got 76 for it. Well, I know I can do better for it. So yeah... learn from mistakes!!!!

That's all for today! =)

Love Hui ♥

9:08 PM
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Short Break~

School exam has finally finished. However, after about one week, it will be our AS exams!! I hope I can do well this time because I don't feel like taking it again in October/November but I'm so lazy now. Totally not motivated to study at all. I really hope someone could help me!! No matter what as long as it motivate me!!! SLAP ME! LOL

Well, let today be my last day of holiday and start working hard tomorrow onwards. *I hope I really can do it*

Today exam was okay because I have read the past year papers. I finished the paper kinda early and had nothing to do. So I draw random thingy on my hand and write some random notes. LOL Well, someone in my class is worse than me. He dozed off and almost fell down... Mr.TG was the teacher in charge and he was shocked and laughed. However, after the exam, he asked the student for reason! LOL

That's all for today! Good luck everyone and study hard for our AS!!!! Aim for the best! =)

Love Hui ♥

4:47 PM
Sunday, May 2, 2010


This tattoo design is damn nice right? Can I get myself a tattoo? LOL Suddenly craving for it. But before that, I need to think carefully because once I have it, it will be forever!!! I need to ask my friends for some information as well, like how painful it is, the cost and so on... Of course, I won't ask or tell my family about it. HAHA *I'm bad* I hope I will be able to afford if I really going to have one!

Found this information when searching for the pictures:

The butterfly is a wonderful creature, and because of this, tribal tattoo designs butterfly has become very popular. Tattoos illustrator has designed many of the original tattoo based on initial ideas of what the butterfly will look like. Then they have added bright colors and lines are set higher to give a say individuality. Women who decide to get a tattoo like this felt that it was not only added to their appeal, but their personalities, making them more attractive, more focused and unique. No one wants to be normal again and get a good tattoo is much easier to be yourself, live through the pictures in your body and show others who see who you are without saying a word. Many women believe that the story of the butterfly is their own. This is a story of transformation, the ability to change, to make yourself a more confident, more efficient and more attractive. Like a butterfly that used to change from a caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly with colorful wings.

Love Hui ♥

2:32 PM
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Still Fighting~

Chemistry paper one was like hell to me today. When I got the paper and read question one, I straight away panicked. My mind was not working well that time. Most probably must be the consequence of not sleeping. Well, I checked the answer after the exam and if not mistaken, I will get 20-24marks out of 40!!!! OH GOD!!! Just passed and this is my worst paper ever. Anyway, to think positively, it's doesn't matter. Luckily it's not AS, so learn from mistakes!!!!

Recently, pimples keep popping out of my face!!! Not only me, but jong, wani, gloria them as well. Think maybe because of our not-fixed sleeping time and stress! Moreover, my panda eyes are getting serious!!!! LOL

It's May now and yeah...fast right? We just left less than 2 weeks now and it will be our AS exams!! May God bless all of us! Good luck everyone!! =)

Love Hui ♥

6:20 PM

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Sheau Hui is my name.
A girl who is aiming for a crazy and optimistic life...
Boyish and Unique ♥
Love simple but always end up complicated!
I'm the one and the only one...

never ending happiness
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Be strong and independent
Be positive in thinking
Self improvement/enrichment
Lose weights

♥VanNess Wu♥
Summer Vun♥

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